CAPSTN2 / Thesis Project

Summum Bonnum is a first-person puzzle game wherein the player takes the role of an agent
dispatched into an unknown dimension outside Earth. He is sent on a mission to retrieve invaluable
materials that are vital for the salvation of Earth. However, accomplishing this retrieval mission will lead
to the demise of the world he is taking it from. Armed with a grappling gun and an experimental weapon
that can create vortex wormholes, he must traverse through an ancient ruin in order to accomplish his
objective. The game title came from the phrase 'summum bonum' which is a Latin expression meaning
"the highest good".
This project was made by the team called "The Adoption House" in which my role was a 2D Artist in
charge of texturing 3D environments and making the user interface along with the game and team
Below are samples of my related works on this project.
Updated User Interface
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